Pillars of regeneration – People

Project Pioneer producers learnt the importance of building strong communication, goal setting and time management skills, and to think critically and strategically about the people in their business. The lines between family and business are often blurred within...

Pillars of regeneration – Production

Through Project Pioneer, producers learnt to implement regenerative management practices and grazing principles, including grass budgeting and resting country, to gain a better understanding of the relationship between economics and animals to increase on-farm...

Pillars of regeneration – Land

Through Project Pioneer, producers gained knowledge to better understand soil health, ecology and best practice operational methods, to improve the condition of their land. Producers learned that while seasons are variable, they can employ a suite of tactics to...

Pillars of regeneration – Business

Through Project Pioneer, producers learnt about key business indicators and processes, such as cashflow planning and budgeting skills to improve financial literacy and increase profitability. Profitability and good business management was taught as an essential aspect...